ScriptGuard Pro Installation Guide


Before you begin installing ScriptGuard Pro on your Magento 2 store, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Magento 2 Version: Ensure your Magento 2 store is running version 2.3.x or later.
  • Backup: It is strongly recommended to back up your Magento store (both files and database) before starting the installation.
  • SSH Access: SSH access to your server is required to run the necessary installation commands.

Download ScriptGuard Pro

To download the ScriptGuard Pro extension:

  1. Check your order confirmation email, where you’ll find a link to download ScriptGuard Pro along with your license activation key.
  2. Click the download link to obtain the extension package (.zip file) and save it to your local machine.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Upload the Extension

Upload the downloaded ScriptGuard Pro package to your Magento 2 directory using an FTP client. Place it in the magento/app/code directory.


Step 2: Enable the Extension

Log in to your server via SSH, navigate to your Magento 2 root directory, and run the following command to enable ScriptGuard Pro:

php bin/magento module:enable Lecsoft_ScriptGuardPro

Step 3: Update the Magento Configuration

Run the following commands to update the Magento configuration and deploy static content:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setphp bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Step 4: Clear the Cache

Finally, clear the Magento cache to ensure the new extension is fully integrated:

php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

ScriptGuard Pro is now installed and ready for configuration.


After installing ScriptGuard Pro, configure it through the Magento Admin Panel:

  1. Log in to your Magento Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Lecsoft > ScriptGuard Pro.
  3. Enter your license activation key from the order confirmation email.
  4. Customize the script blocking rules, enable or disable individual modules, and set up email alerts for detected threats.
  5. After making your changes, click Save Config and clear the cache again.

Your ScriptGuard Pro extension is now configured and actively protecting your Magento store.